Yellow Fever
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International Vaccination Certificates

Your travel medicine provider will issue you an International Vaccination book as a record of your yellow fever vaccination.

Yellow Fever Certificate Book

You should store this vaccination book safely with your passport. The Yellow Fever certificate is valid for life for most persons vaccinated. ( Those vaccinated as children or with immunosuppressive disorders should speak to their travel doctor.)

WHO report here dated May 2014.



if you have had the Yellow fever vaccine in the past and have lost your certificate…… 

  1. Try to remember who gave it to you last time, as they may be able to reissue the certificate.
  2. Yellow fever providers cannot reissue certificates without proof of prior vaccination including the BATCH NUMBER.
  3. Otherwise…. you have to have the vaccine again.       For most travellers it is safe to repeat the vaccination.



Designated Medical practitioners: Login or Register for YFGEN, our online Yellow Fever Exemption Certificate generator.