If you need a Yellow Fever Vaccination, in Toowoomba, call 07 4633 0512
All our doctors have formal qualifications in travel medicine and expertise in Yellow Fever Vaccine.
Video about Yellow fever is here.
Address of Toowoomba clinics is
Platinum on North Medical Centre , 1st Floor St Andrew’s Medical Centre , 280 North St, Rockville , Toowoomba Q 4350
Cost is $150 for the yellow fever vaccine, plus consultation depending on the time for the doctor's consultation (some of this consultation fee can be claimed from medicare if you are not travelling for work). The doctor will discuss the Yellow Fever vaccine and the other travel health issues that are relevant, so you will be well prepared for your journey.
More information on Toowoomba clinic can be found here.
Yellow Fever Vaccination is usually needed for travel to these countries.
Vaccination is valid for life but takes 10 days to be effective. The vaccine causes side effects in some persons, so get it as early as possible before you leave.
Mild side effects of Yellow Fever Vaccine include getting a sore arm, feeling tired, headache, muscle aches or fever for 24 hours starting 3-9 days after vaccination.
Very rarely persons vaccinated can develop more severe side effects of Yellow Fever Vaccine, which may include anaphylaxis ( severe allergy) and swelling of the brain and other organs. It is critically important to get the vaccine from doctors who have experience with the vaccine.
Once vaccinated, will be issued the international vaccination record book at no further cost.
There is no national register for yellow fever vaccinations, however, if you have been to our clinic in the past, and had a yellow fever vaccine but have now lost your certificate, for a small charge, we can issue you a new one from our records.
Call 07 4633 0512 during business hours to make an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.