If you need a Yellow Fever Vaccination in Bayside Melbourne, please call 613 95986244 or see our Sandringham clinic here.
We are located at 328 Bluff Road Sandringham, Victoria.
Our Travel doctors are formally qualified and experienced travel medicine practitioners with expertise in Yellow Fever Vaccines.
At the consultation, your doctor will discuss the Yellow Fever vaccine and the other relevant travel health issues, so you will be set to travel. You will also be issued with your official Yellow Fever vaccine certificate. The vaccine costs around $100.
A Video about Yellow fever is here. Yellow Fever Vaccination is usually needed for travel to these countries.
Vaccination is valid for life but takes 10 days to take effect. Minor vaccine side effects including tiredness, headache, muscle pains or fever may occur up to a week after the immunisation. Very rarely more severe side effects of the Yellow Fever Vaccine such as anaphylaxis or body swelling may occur, so it important to only get this vaccine from experienced Yellow Fever vaccine doctors. To make an appointment call 03 95986244.